Financial Facts
Cumulative History--Since 1982
- 20,000 projects (roofs, electrical/plumbing, wheelchair ramps, volunteer - home exteriors)
- 275,000 volunteer days from over 110,000 individual volunteers (estimated)
- 11,000 homes
- 25,000 lives impacted (using 2.3 persons/home)
- $95M in value added to Houston communities (includes volunteer labor value of $57M)
Most Recent History (Five year 2009-2013) - Average/year
- 645 projects
- 10,000 volunteer days from over 4000 individual volunteers (estimated)
- 365 homes (one (1) for every calendar day of the year!)
- 840 lives impacted
- $3.9M of value added (includes volunteer labor value of $2.1M)
- Total revenues:$2.6M/yr
- $0.65M/yr for operating expenses (includes all staff salaries and benefits)
- $1.95M/yr for direct construction expense
- Total Expenses/yr also $(2.6M)
- Operating costs $(0.7M)
- Construction costs ($1.9M)
2013 and 2014
- Meeting financial budget that include investment of over $200,000 in people and processes to position RT for growth
- investments for Information technology for operations and advancement
- investments in marketing and website
- investments in new employee positions in Community Relations, Advancement and Construction
- Balance sheet on December 31, 2013 includes
- Cash of $670,000
- Total Assets of $720,000
- $0 debt
- Restricted Fund of $180,000
- Unrestricted Fund o $540,000
- Plans for 2014
- Growth in budget to $3M+
- Increasing impact on the lives of more homeowners
- More partnerships with volunteering and underwriting partners
- Hosting the start-up Houston ToolBank at our warehouse
IRS Form 990
Financial Audit