104 N. Greenwood, Suite 100, Houston, TX 77011 • Tel: 713.659.2511 • Fax: 713.650.0871 • info@rebuildinghouston.org

Q. Why is it important to repair these old homes in Houston?

A. The work we do is important on a personal level, but it also impacts our city as a whole. For the long-time homeowners, these houses are filled with memories: of shared accomplishments, families raised and of lives lived with honesty and integrity.  Helping these homes “age gracefully” enables their longtime occupants to age in place in surroundings that are both familiar and friendly.  In addition, the work we do is important to Houston’s urban revitalization efforts.  Home by home and block by block, Rebuilding Together Houston brings about positive changes in communities throughout our city.

Q. How do homeowners qualify for assistance from Rebuilding Together?

A. Most of our funding is for people over the age 62.  They must own their home, and have a total income between 50 and 80 percent of the average median income for the Houston area.  With these criteria met, homeowners may begin the application process through Rebuilding Together Houston.  Once an application is completed and approved, the home goes on a waiting list until the funding and volunteer resources are available to facilitate repairs. 

Q. How long is the wait time before work on a house begins?
  A. Normally between 6 and 24 months.
Q. Can I recommend a neighbor or family member to receive your services?

A. Yes, we invite interested outside parties to encourage elderly homeowners to participate in our programs.  It’s important that all qualifying documents are available and can be submitted in the application process.

Q. On the average, how much money do you put into the homes you repair and renovate?

A. For a home that receives a new roof, an interior repair (usually electrical and/or plumbing), as well as work done to the outside of the house by one of our volunteer crews, the total value of materials and services rendered can reach upwards of $15,000 to $20,000, although these type of all-inclusive projects are not the norm for what we typically do.  The average value of one of our Volunteer Home Repair Projects is about $9,000.

Q. Is there a process by which professional contractors can apply for the bid jobs put out by your organization?

A. All requests to get on the RTH bid list for work should be sent to info@rt-houston.org where they will be forwarded to our director of construction, Tim Rogers.

Q. I barely know which part is the working end of a hammer?  Is there a place at Rebuilding Together Houston for me to contribute my time?

A. Absolutely!  There are painting, lawn work, and cleanup tasks to do on almost every house.  Many volunteers with little or no “do-it-yourself” experience find that our work sites are a great place to make new friends and learn new skills.  Some of our long-time volunteers started out as novices and have become experts at home repair...which can come in handy around their own homes and save a lot of money! 

Q. What's the best way to put a volunteer crew together?

A. We recommend you first find others with whom you may work; attend church; or be members in a social, fraternal or service organization, who are interested in giving back to the community through the unique opportunities Rebuilding Together provides.  The ideal size for one of our volunteer crews is between 15 and 25 people.  Critical to the success of one of our volunteer program is the selection and performance of a volunteer crew leader.  In advance of our Volunteer Home Repair Program build-outs in the spring and the fall, we conduct crew leader training and offer a great deal of moral support and encouragement.  Most crew leaders and many volunteers tell us their involvement with Rebuilding Together is one of the most satisfying and gratifying experiences of their lives.

Q. Can I volunteer individually?

A. There’s always work to be done, particularly leading up to our Volunteer Home Repair Program build days.  If you’re self-employed, new to the area, or just march to a different drumbeat than your friends, Rebuilding Together Houston can use your help!  Individual volunteers frequently work in our warehouse, or support our specialized crews which enhance home access and safety.  We even have opportunities for volunteers to provide assistance in our community relations endeavors.  Our volunteers not only make a big difference in the lives of others and the well-being of our city, but also they're likely to enjoy giving of their time and talent and making some new friends!

Q. What are the age requirements for volunteers?

A. You frequently see children at our build sites, whether they’re there to work or to support Mom and Dad.  We encourage volunteerism among school-aged individuals, so long as they have the permission of their parents and adult supervision on site.  While there is no specific age limitations, we recommend that children under the age of 12 not be actively involved as volunteer workers on a project site.

Q. Do you accept donations of used tools. furniture, etc.?

A. Generally speaking, we do not accept donations of used equipment and furniture, as we do not supply furniture to our homeowners and we require our volunteers to provide their own tools.  The Houston ToolBank (which now operates out of the Rebuilding Together warehouse east of downtown Houston) may be interested in used tools, and many of the Assistance Ministry Programs throughout Houston will accept used furniture.

Q. Does Rebuilding Together speak to community and civic organizations?

A. We’re always available to present our story to interested groups....and we feel we have a good story to tell.  Requests should be submitted to info@rt-houston.org and will be forwarded to our community relations director, Terri Drabik-O'Reilley. 

Q. Where can I go to find out how efficiently you use the financial resources you're provided?

A. The most recent completed annual audit (by Houston firm Blazik & Vetterling) and our annual 990 report to the IRS are available on our website. 

Q. I’m now convinced that Rebuilding Together Houston is a great cause!  Why haven't I heard of you before?

A. From its inception, Rebuilding Together has been more about the work it gets done than the plaudits it may receive.  We’ve been in existence for more than 30 years and have helped thousands of Houstonians and repaired thousands of homes.  You can help us spread the word by telling your friends, neighbors and family about us, by putting together a volunteer crew, or by making a contribution to our organization.  We no longer want to be Houston’s best-kept secret among worthy charitable causes!  We thank you for your interest and look forward to your future involvement.

Thank You to Our Sustaining Sponsors

104 N. Greenwood, Suite 100, Houston, TX 77011 • Tel: 713.659.2511 • Fax: 713.650.0871info@rebuildinghouston.org
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