104 N. Greenwood, Suite 100, Houston, TX 77011 • Tel: 713.659.2511 • Fax: 713.650.0871 • info@rebuildinghouston.org
Crew Leader

Meet Dan King, a veteran Crew Leader with ExxonMobil Chemical.

Crew Leader is one of the most important positions in the Volunteer Home Repair Program. Each fall and spring, corporate, congregational, and civic organizations of all kinds form volunteer crews to work with Rebuilding Together in the city-wide effort to rehabilitate homes and revitalize neighborhoods. With anywhere from 60 to 100 volunteer crews signing up for the designated two consecutive Saturdays, each group needs a leader. The Crew Leader serves as the project manager and representative for each organization’s crew.  

Upon signing up to volunteer, each group is asked to assign a Crew Leader and a Co-Leader to manager their project. While these are the only two positions Rebuilding Together asks crews to define, they’re not the only roles that can be used to complete a project. Positions are limitless and we encourage crews to divide and conquer for a successful build. Duties of the Crew Leader and Co-Leader can be divided any way that works for your group. The following is based on what other crews have done in the past and are suggestions to get you started.

Crew Leader Responsibilities:

  • Be the point of contact between Rebuilding Together and your organization’s volunteer crew.
  • Keep track, leading up to and on the work day, of how many volunteers from your organization will participate (schedules change and other things come up that may prevent some volunteers from being able to help).
  • Attend meeting for Crew Leaders held approximately two weeks ahead of the first workday in order to receive house assignment.
  • Make house visit to meet your homeowner and review the scope of work.
  • Manage volunteers, their assignments, and the overall project on each workday.

Co-Leader Responsibilities:

  • Manage the supplies pickup and transportation to the worksite.
  • Evaluate, with Crew Leader, what tools will be needed for the job and who will provide them.
  • Make plans for lunch and if needed, bathroom arrangements.
  • Monitor throughout the work day if extra supplies are needed and arrange for who will be in charge of getting them from the warehouse.
  • Ensure volunteers sign “Volunteer Release Agreement”.

Rebuilding Together could not do what it does without the help of Crew Leaders. We work hard to give the best support and guidance to all Crew Leaders and volunteers. Because we have such a vast number of Crews assigned to work across Harris County, we just can’t be everywhere at once. So thank you to Crew Leaders everywhere for all that you do.

The position of Crew Leader is an outstanding opportunity to gain and utilize project management skills, while maximizing your contribution!

Thank You to Our Sustaining Sponsors

104 N. Greenwood, Suite 100, Houston, TX 77011 • Tel: 713.659.2511 • Fax: 713.650.0871info@rebuildinghouston.org
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