8.13.06: Pujols Family
Foundation Visits the Dominican Republic
On August 10, 2006, the Pujols Family Foundation
took an evaluation mission trip to the Dominican
Republic. The purpose of this trip was to
scout other orphanages and needs in the DR
and to evaluate the conditions for our upcoming
dentist mission trip in January.
"This trip took us to
the poorest parts of La Romana and Santa Domingo,"
said Todd Perry, Executive Director of the
PFF. "The average household income for
many of these areas is $1,500.00 (US) per
year. It is amazing to see people living their
entire lives without running water or electricity.
It really puts things in prospective."
The first day of the trip,
Thursday, found the team in La Romana at the
orphanage we assist through the Foundation
"It is amazing the changes in this orphanage
from the last time we visited." said
Ms. Pujols.
Friday, the next day of the
trip, was spent on the road. The team was
transported by two leaders from Compassion
International to some of the most depressed
villages in the La Romana area. "The
second day was very wet and humid as we went
from village to village seeing undesirable
poverty and need," said Perry. "There
were some things that we saw that day that
simply were unbelievable, things like active
parasites working within open sores and infections
that are too graphic to describe. There are
images in my mind from that day that I will
never forget."
Saturday took the team to Santa
Domingo to visit two more orphanages in the
city and one extremely poor area housing over
20,000 families. "We met with Andy Patterson
at the first orphanage that hosts 28 children
who are either HIV positive or have AIDS,"
said Pujols. "That was perhaps the hardest
emotional stop on our trip." From there
we drove to an area that was filled with squatters
homes and shelters with no water, no bathrooms
- just home after home of people living anyway
they can. The need is overwhelming when you
see areas like this. It's really hard to get
your mind around everything this is happening
in front of you."
The team had time to visit
one more orphanage in Santa Domingo before
retiring for the night. "We had a good
dinner that night and discussed everything
that we had seen," remembers Perry. "It
was very hard to enjoy a hot shower and a
good meal after what we had seen that day."
The departure flight left at 8:20am on Sunday.
"We will show some of
our video and share more about this trip at
our Christmas event in December," commented
Deidre. "It's hard not to be changed
when you see the things we have seen. There
is a great need and hopefully we can help
those who need help as we grow."