8.02.06: Mom's Focus
Q: How
is the best way to find the un-met needs in
the Down syndrome community?
Ask the moms, of course!
On August 2, 2006, the Pujols Family Foundation
hosted a mini focus group with moms of children
with Down syndrome (infants to teens) to discuss
the needs in the St. Louis Down syndrome community.
"Don't bother asking the dads,"
joked Tracy Bright, "If you want to know
what's going on in our kids lives, you must
ask a mom!"
The focus group was facilitated
by Jeanette Bax-Kurtz of MPP&W and the
questions were designed to draw off of the
positives in the children as we discussed
their needs and solutions. "We wanted
a good cross-section of parents who could
speak from their hearts," said Jeanette.
"We are looking for the holes in services
for the most people affected, not just one
group or part of the city."
"At the end of the day,
we went through several tissues as well as
flip chart pages," noted PFF Director
Todd Perry. "But we found what we wanted.
There are so many people doing a great job
in the Down syndrome community, and we do
not want to duplicate any services given.
We are simply seeking the greatest needs for
the greatest number of people and we will
try and address those issues, one at a time."
Special thanks to the Crowne
Park Plaza, Jeanette Bax-Kurtz, Lauren Perry,
Dana Ashley and all the mothers for helping
make this project a success!