The Rittenhouse
Inn's Landmark Restaurant
in Bayfield, Wisconsin offers
hearty breakfasts, casual
fine dining, and special events
like wine tasting weekends
and dinner concerts. A memorable
dining experience that includes
excellent food and service
in an elegant atmosphere.
Landmark uses local, regional,
and organic products in season.
Executive Chef Matt Chingo
is inspired by the Bayfield
region's berries, fruit, greens,
vegetables, and mushrooms,
along with the day's catch
of Lake Superior trout or
whitefish, or locally raised
bison and lamb.
Try the signature apple glazed
pork chop or the seared yellowfin
ahi. Sample chowders and bouillabaisses,
crisp green salads, or a smoked
trout salad. Breakfast lovers:
try fresh strawberry pancakes
or the "General Fuller,"
and don't leave town without
a few jars of homemade jellies,
jams, and sundae sauces to
remind you of your time in
The restaurant was featured
in such publications as Bon
Apetit, Gourmet magazine,
Midwest Living, Lake Superior
Magazine, and The New York
Times. Whet your appetite
for a great meal by browsing
through the menu of dining
options included here.
* Special dietary needs are
accommodated with advance