Here's what the National Restaurant
Association says about the industry outlook
for 2008:
Sales at full-service restaurants are projected
to reach $187.4 billion in 2008, an increase
of 4.3 percent over 2007. Growth will be
driven by expanded menu choices, meeting
the demand of today's increasingly sophisticated
and value-conscious consumer, and added
off-premise options (takeout, delivery and
curbside) to meet Americans' desire for
convenience. Full-service restaurant operators
will continue to integrate more technology
solutions both in dining rooms and kitchens,
and increase their focus on environmentally-friendly
Job growth in the restaurant industry outpaced
the overall economy in 2007 for the eighth
consecutive year, and will continue to increase
in 2008 and beyond. By 2018, the industry
will add an additional two million positions
to its current 13.1 million. Restaurant
occupations that will grow considerably
in the next decade include management positions,
chefs and head cooks, waitstaff, and combined
food preparation and service positions.
Todays restaurant customers are more
demanding than ever and expect more from
their restaurant experiences than great
meals. Consumer trends that will help shape
the restaurant industry in 2008 include
options for more convenience, control, cuisines
and flavors, comfort and choices, including
more healthful options. Americans currently
buy a meal or a snack from a restaurant
5.8 times per week on average, and annual
spending on food away from home is $1,078
per person.