10.27.07: The Build-A-Bear
company celebrates its 10th birthday with
the Pujols Family Foundation
In October 1997, Maxine Clark's vision of
a place for children to create their own stuffed
bears became reality when she opened a little
store in the St. Louis Galleria called Build-A-Bear
Workshop. Ten years later, Build-A-Bear Workshop
is an international company with annual revenue
nearing $500 million.
Clark and Build-A-Bear Workshop have spent
2007 honoring the company's 10-year anniversary.
But a special event was held at the St. Louis
Galleria on October 27 to mark that first
store's opening, and the Pujols Family Foundation
was honored to be invited to take part in
the touching celebration.
young friends of the Pujols Family Foundation
were invited to the store before it opened
that morning and were given the chance to
create their own little buddies. Each of the
youngsters has Down syndrome and some were
a little nervous with all the lights and activity.
But as soon as they saw the bins of bears
and many other critters and characters such
as Shrek and Fredbird and had a chance to
stuff and place hearts in their new animals,
smiles radiated.
the children's new creations were "bathed"
it was time to choose just the right clothes
and shoes and myriad of accessories. And Build-A-Bear
workers ensured that each newly created friend
had everything it might need, from hats to
cool shoes and skates to cell phones.
the celebration ceremony began and Maxine
Clark gave a touching speech to a large crowd
gathered in front of the store. The special
young guests of the Pujols Family Foundation,
which included Albert Pujols' daughter Isabella,
stood behind a red ribbon with their new friends
during the speech. Afterward, Maxine Clark
and other BABW founders joined the youngsters
for a ribbon-cutting ceremony.
ribbon-cutting marked the kickoff for a full
weekend of events (including a big appearance
by the Jonas Brothers the next day) - and
hopefully many, many more Build-A-Bear Workshop
anniversaries to come.
here for photo slideshow.