6.01.07: Joey Saltzman
Raises Funds for PFF
The PFF wants to recognize
a very special young lady who chose to bless
our organization with her generosity; her
name is Joey Saltzman. Being inspired by a
friend with Down syndrome, Joey felt compelled
to do something to raise money and awareness
for the Down syndrome community and the PFF.
Here are Joey's own words:
name is Joey Saltzman and I am studying Hebrew
for my Bat Mitzvah in August. As part
of the preparation, we are asked to do a Mitzvah
Project which shows that we care about the
community and others. For my Mitzvah Project
I decided to have a bake sale to raise money
for the Pujols Family Foundation. One of my
closest friends has a brother with Down syndrome
and I enjoy watching Albert Pujols at Cardinal
baseball games. My project was called, "Dimes
for Down Syndrome" and I sold baseball
decorated cookies and cupcakes with baseballs
and Cardinal helmets on them. I raised $160
for the Pujols Family Foundation. I plan on
having another bake sale next year to continue
raising money for this charity."
All of us at the PFF salute
Joey and her selfless act of serving others.
Her efforts prove that anyone at any age can
make a difference in the community.