Lillian Kirkpatrick
St. Agnes Academy

Parents: Tom and Tracey Kirkpatrick
Siblings (Age): Carson (23), Connor (20)
ACT Score: 27
HS GPA: 3.22
Intended Major Field of Study: Occupational Therapy
I am a goal oriented person. I always have been. I have had my heart set on attending The University of Oklahoma for several years. I visited the campus and took a tour and I love it. It seems the kind of place that offers many different ways to become involved. The people seem very nice and welcoming. I drove around Norman and I loved the town. I can picture myself sitting in the football stadium on a cool fall night cheering the Sooners onto victory. I am interested in exploring service organizations while at OU. Giving back has been a big part of my high school career. For the past two years, I was awarded the Bronze President’s Service Award. It is an award for those individuals who perform over 225 hours of service a year to different philanthropies. I have lived in Houston, Texas all my life and we don’t enjoy much of a change of seasons. I think that it would be cool to experience the different seasons that Norman enjoys. It is truly my dream to attend such a fine University. I was so pleased to learn that OU offers the Pre-Occupational Therapy degree program. I am also very interested in psychology. I plan on taking some classes if I am admitted. I look forward to learning more about how the brain functions and the brain abnormalities that can affect behaviors and cognitive abilities. I am dedicated to working hard to succeed in the program at OU and make my dreams come true.
I want to become an Occupational Therapist, someone who helps people who have special needs, and I am willing to work hard to get there. I think that my experience working with autistic children for the past six summers at the Westview School and working at Speech Solutions has put me in a very good position to accomplish my objectives. I enjoy working hands-on with children and helping them in any way I can. I am willing to try new ways of reaching these children through creative play or structured treatment plans. I have dealt with kids of all ages and different forms of functionality. Some do not speak, others won’t interact with peers or adults and some will not make eye contact. Yet, every so often, we have a small breakthrough with one of the students. Witnessing the progress that these children can achieve is miraculous. I get such joy and satisfaction from watching the smiles light up their faces. I know that I want to work with children who have special needs. My work experience has assured me in choosing my life path. I find working with children makes me feel needed as I am confident that I am making a difference in their lives. We may not make measurable progress each day, but we are laying the groundwork. I love the thought of being one player on a team that may make a significant impact on the lives of an entire family. Although the occasional glimmer in a child’s eye is a powerful motivator, it is not what keeps me coming back to work. Determining how to design structured play for a child with a specific goal in mind is challenging. Remaining patient and providing encouragement is vital. A career in Occupational Therapy will allow me to hold a fulfilling, hands-on job while helping others.
It seems that there a range of jobs in Occupational Therapy in a variety of settings. Occupational Therapists are in demand and earn a good salary. It is also a job that I can do part-time when I have a family. I hope secure a position working for a company where I will gain much needed experience and after several years own my own practice. I think that will afford me the most flexibility and satisfy my need for helping others.
President’s Volunteer Service Award - Bronze - Awarded for 100+ hours of volunteer service in a 12-month period (11, 12)
National Charity League
Yellow Rosebud Bouquet Award – 100+ hours over minimum to one philanthropy (11, 12)
Hourglass Award – 100+ hours over minimum for combined philanthropies (11, 12)
Heart of Gold Award – 75+ hours over minimum to one philanthropy (11, 12)
Yellow Rose Award – 75+ hours over minimum for combined philanthropies (11, 12)
Mission Bell Award – 50+ hours over minimum to one philanthropy (10, 11, 12)
Yellow Rose Bud Award – 50+ hours over minimum for combined philanthropies (9, 10, 11, 12)
Houston Hearts 50 Hour Award – 50 hours of service to combined philanthropies (9, 10, 11, 12)
Photography (SAA) - selected to submit work to O’Kane Student Art Show at The University of Houston.
National Charity League (NCL) – (9, 10, 11, 12)
The Westview School (for children with autism spectrum disorders) – 225 Hours (9, 10, 11, 12)- Worked as a teachers aid helping children struggling with Autism.
Houston Hearts Food Drive – 24 Hours (9, 10, 11, 12)- Dropped off bags on peoples porches and picked them up a few days later full of canned goods to deliver to a local food pantry. Helped put away and organize the food pantry.
Susan G. Komen Foundation Race for the Cure – 12 Hours (9, 10, 11, 12)- Raised money, made pink ribbons, worked the annual walk and supported women struggling with Breast Cancer.
Texas Children’s Hospital First Memories and The Blanket Brigade- 18 Hours (9, 10, 11, 12)- Made small receiving blankets and greeting cards for the patients in the hospital and the neonatal intensive care unit.
Fairhaven Food Pantry – 16 Hours (9, 10, 11, 12)- Picked up day old bread from grocery stores and deliver them to a food pantry.
Salvation Army – 8 Hours (9, 10, 11, 12)- Helped throw monthly birthday parties for the children who are residents.
Vosswood Nursing Home – 10 Hours (9, 10, 11, 12)- Sang Christmas Carols to the elderly and assisted them with the assembly of a craft.
SPCA Kennel Drive – 6 Hours (11, 12)- Collected money that went toward a fund to purchase additional kennels. Saved and folded newspapers for the kennels.
Ronald McDonald House – 6 Hours (9, 10, 11, 12)- Baked homemade goodies and delivered them to the residents. Easter Seals – 4 Hours (11, 12)- Addressed invitations for their gala to raise awareness and funds.
Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation – 6 Hours (11, 12)- Helped set up for the annual gala.
Pediatric Brain Tumor Foundation – Continued the fundraising efforts of my recently deceased uncle for this charity, in his honor. Worked at annual fundraiser/motorcycle race, interacting with children with brain tumors and their families. 32 Hours (9, 10, 11,12)
Lacrosse Team- Played Defense and Defensive Wing (9, 10, 11, 12)
Captain (11, 12) Elected – 2 of 20
Prom Shirt Design Committee (11, 12)- Designed, collected, and distributed the SAA Prom T-Shirts.
Key Club (9, 10, 11, 12)- Taught leadership through serving others.
Spanish Club (9, 10, 11, 12)- Learned more about Spanish and the Spanish speaking culture.
Spirit Club for “brother” school (9, 10, 11, 12)- Made posters and goodie bags for the sports team members
Club Pink (9, 10, 11, 12)- Raised money and supported Breast Cancer Awareness
Women Against Modern Day Slavery (9, 10, 11, 12)- Raised money and supported women who have experienced the world of sex trafficking
Culinary Club (9, 10)- Made different foods from all around the world
Houston Girls Cotillion
Student Board of Directors- Elected - 6 of 250 (10, 11)- Helped to choose theme, assisted in all aspects of planning the event including choice of venue, refreshments and entertainment. Designed and distributed T-shirts.
