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You Talk, We Listen

The Boren Blog is a forum for exchanging information, ideas and relating the news of the day from the campaign trail. It's your best means of communicating directly with Dan.

Below is the Boren Blog form. Please note a couple of things. We need you to fill out all the required fields for us to service you in the most efficient manner possible. Any Blog communication received in which all required fields are not completed may be discarded…so, please make sure to complete those fields.

Secondly, in the Subject line, let us know exactly what you're looking for. If you'd like to volunteer, put "Volunteer" in the subject line. If you have a question about a specific issue, like education, put "Education Question" in the subject line. This will enable us to route your request or comment more quickly.

Finally, not every Blog we receive will be posted on the web site, but, we will do our best to make sure that the issues of greatest concern to the constituency of the Second Congressional District will be represented and everyone will have the opportunity to voice their opinions or ask their questions.

We look forward to hearing from you.

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Message from Dan
I want to thank my supporters, but the work is not yet done.
Photo Gallery
Click here for a look at the Dan Boren campaign in action.
Who supports Dan? You'll find just a few of his many supporters here.
Latest Headlines
Link to what the local media is saying about the issues and Dan Boren.
Boren Blog
Voice your views on the issues and let Dan know what you think.
Paid For by Boren For Congress
PO Box 1924
Muskogee, OK 74402