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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.

January Feature
Litmus Test

December Feature
Unexpected Vegetarian

November Feature
Types of Vegetarians

October Feature
Rescue Animals



Rescue Animals
By Veggie Gal Lisa Tuck

I am a vegetarian because I don’t want to kill anything. It doesn’t start there. Not eating animals, fish or fowl is really just a spot on the long winding trail that includes moving snails and worms off the sidewalk so they don’t fry during the summer. Along the trail, I also find myself rescuing several animals a year and finding good homes for them.

Sometimes the “good home” is mine. Many years ago I had my publicly stated upper limit of cats, when another one showed up at the door. I knew my young niece desperately wanted a cat, so this looked like a match made in heaven to me. The handicap to this plan was my twin brother (my niece’s dad), who detested cats.

I admit it. I groveled. The cat was a beautiful calico, fully grown. I committed to having her spayed and getting him a kitty starter kit. Finally he agreed. Before he could change his mind, I dashed to my local pet store and loaded up a litter box, litter, bowls, food, treats and toys. I pushed my laden basket to the register and eagerly waited in line. While standing there, I noticed the magazine Cat Fancy. I picked up a copy. I delivered the cat and the cat supplies to my brother. I did not deliver the magazine. Instead, I took the magazine home and used one of the forms to order a two year subscription to Cat Fancy for my brother.

A month later I got in from work and the phone rang. When I answered, my brother didn’t say hello. Enunciating very clearly, he said “I just. Went. To the mailbox.”

I quivered with excitement.

“I pulled out this magazine called Cat Fancy and thought, ‘How nice. Aunt Lisa got this for Amy.’ Then I turned it over and it is addressed to Larry Tuck.”

I chortled with glee.

“I just wanted to let you know that your subscription to Cattle Baron’s Monthly will be on its way shortly.”

I howled with laughter to the point that I couldn’t speak, so he finally hung up on me.

I do not try to convince my family—or anyone else for that matter—to adopt my lifestyle. They do not try to convince me to adopt theirs. Do we tease each other about it? Oh, yeah. In our convoluted little world, teasing is part of accepting each other exactly as we yes. That being said, my family really doesn’t have a clue how to feed me. Our mother kept a can of bacon grease beside the stove and put it into everything from grits to cornbread to fried chicken. Green beans got salt pork. The traditional meals we grew up on will not work at all. I started this column and website for those who also need to feed a vegetarian, but don’t know where to start. I hope it will help you along your trail.

By the way, my brother never did send Cattle Baron’s Monthly. If this column reminds him he still needs to pay me back for this, it might be really big…