I want to hear about
your adventures with or as a vegetarian. What
funny thing happened to you today? Do you make
one of the recipes and want to share a new Warning
or a rousing success? Tell me about it!
Hi, my name
is Lisa Tuck and I am Veggie Gal.
When I first went vegetarian, my family
thought I had lost my mind, along
with my appetite. We grew
up in Texas and
many members
of my extended family hunt and fish.
When I decided to become a vegetarian because
I had adopted a “live-and-let-live”
mindset, my family and many of my friends were
puzzled. The good news was they didn’t try
to stop me. They just couldn’t understand
why I would want to do such a thing. Many years
later, they still don’t understand it, and
they still don’t know how to deal with me,
especially at meal time. |
dishes which were commonplace in my household
growing up, and which are the norm in most
kitchens, just don’t work for a vegetarian.
My mother kept a can of bacon grease beside
the stove and put it in everything from
grits to corn bread. “But, honey,
that’s not meat,” she’s
lovingly tried to tell me in recent years.
Non-vegetarians sometimes just don’t
get it. I’ve spoken with other vegetarians
and we all share this same dilemma. That’s
why I decided to create a place to provide
information to those not like us but who
from time to time need to try to feed us.
Thus, Veggie Gal was born. |
fortunate to be married to a very supportive
non-vegetarian, who loves being the guinea
pig for many of my new recipe ideas, even
when they don’t work the first
time. Thus, you can rest assured that the
recipes and menu suggestions you’ll
find on this site have past the taste test,
even when the tasters, like my two stepchildren,
son-in-law, daughter-in-law, and grandson
(with another grandchild on the way) are
meat-eaters themselves! |