Basic Curriculum

The Policy Studies basic curriculum introduces students to the concepts and tools needed to understand and study policy, regardless of the policy area they choose to focus on. It ensures that all Policy Studies majors have a common professional vocabulary and conceptual frame of reference. The Basic Policy Studies Basic Curriculum encompasses four courses. The courses can be taken in any order.

Policy Analysis (POLI 338). This course includes applied analytical techniques, theoretical notions of public goods and externalities, and an introduction to general governmental issues such regulation and political feasibility. POLI 338 is cross-listed as SOSC/POST 301.
Principles of Economics I (ECON 211) or an approved advanced course. Economic analysis is fundamental to the study of policy.
Bureaucracy and Public Policy, POLI 337, provides sound introduction to the organization and working of the governmental enterprise.
One advanced analysis course that provides students more depth in discipline-specific approaches. Such a course should focus on the craft or nature of inquiry within a discipline, advanced statistical or other data techniques, or an advanced language (if appropriate). Most likely, students will choose such a course in their other major. Students are required to get approval from the policy studies advisor for credit for this requirement.
Donald Ostdiek, Director | Baker Institute | Room 244C | 713-348-2106
Policy Studies Program MS-24 | Rice University | P.O. Box 1892 | Houston, TX 77251-1892