
From Tim Gregg
Founder, The LEGACY DISK

"I've been in the video production and Web design business for a dozen years. Before that, I was an award-winning broadcast journalist. Not only have telling stories been my business and my passion for many years, all my life I've been fascinated by the lives others lead.

"Before my father passed away in 2003, I was blessed that my work travels frequently took me home to visit him and my mother. One day it occurred to me to set up my video gear and interview my Dad. Now, that was a bit of a novel idea!

"It turned out that we both enjoyed the experience so much the first time, when we talked about my father's childhood, not too much time passed before Dad, himself, asked if we might do it again. We did, and that second time he wanted to talk about his experience serving our country in World War II.

"Each time I interviewed him, questions sprang to my mind that I never would have thought to ask in the midst of casual conversation over the kitchen table. And, thanks to those questions, Dad was prompted to return to times in his life which he recalled with great fervor and much affection.

"When my father died, I remember taking comfort from those videotapes, but it took me a while before I was ready to actually watch them. I'll never forget the day that finally happened. As soon as his image flickered onto the television screen, I was caught completely off guard by my reaction. It was like he was right there in the room with me again. As I watched him talk, a wave of emotions and recollections passed through me. Honestly, I cried and I laughed and I felt so very close to him again. I've watched the tapes, now safely transferred to DVD, many times since then, and the feelings are always the same. For a moment or two, he's back with me again.

"I've shared this experience with others many times and there's not a person who doesn't understand the value of what has become The LEGACY DISK idea. When you make this small investment in time and money, you'll not only be "keeping the memories alive," but also you'll be making new memories and achieving a special closeness with the ones you hold most dear. It's our privilege to capture and preserve this important occasion for you and it is my promise that we'll do so in a manner with great respect, dignity and integrity."

What Others Say
"This is for our grandson so he will remember us."
Norman & Vera Zable
Country Club
"The Legacy Disk will be a treasure of great value to other members of your family."
Mo Anderson
Real Estate Executive
"There's a lot you get in a video of someone."
Kacie Nyholt
Daughter, Wife
"This gives others a chance to see the real me."
Tim Donovan
Journalist and
"I'm so glad we took the time to put these priceless memories on a DVD."
Dick Pryor
Emmy Award-
"The Legacy Disk is a great opportunity to help families remember their loved ones."
Becky Custred
Academic Counselor