What if something awkward comes up in the interview? |
A. Our LEGACY DISK protocol
ensures that, to the best of our ability, we minimize "surprises"
when it comes time to be interviewed on camera. Always keep
in mind, that The LEGACY DISK is about maximizing the
power of positive memories, recollections and anecdotes. This
is NOT "investigative reporting". In addition, frequent
stops and starts during the actual interview are not uncommon.
If multiple takes are required to get a story right, that's
what we do. One of the elements that sets The LEGACY DISK
experience apart from anything else like it is the care we
take making sure that we get the right memories the right
way. In addition, when the interview is completed, we'll make
sure that everyone is comfortable with what has been said
and if anything needs to be left out, we'll make that determination
together before you leave the set. |