Highlights of the Henry administration
When Gov. Henry took office in 2003, he faced the largest budget shortfall in state history. Without raising taxes or making major cuts to priority areas such as education and health care, he balanced the budget and put the state in the black. Over the next three years, he implemented major initiatives to improve education, health care, job creation, public safety and transportation.

Building a better, more accountable public education system
With an eye on the future, Gov. Henry has worked to build the best possible public schools and universities to serve Oklahoma families. MORE
Making high-quality health care more accessible and affordable
The governor’s Strong and Health Oklahoma initiative is encouraging citizens to lead healthier lives by promoting better eating and physical fitness habits. MORE
Creating New Jobs and Cutting Taxes
Gov. Henry has led the way in retooling and retraining Oklahoma’s workforce to make sure the employees of tomorrow are properly prepared. MORE

Safer streets, safer families
To protect families and make Oklahoma a safer place to live, Gov. Henry has pushed an innovative public safety agenda that has earned national accolades and produced positive results. MORE
Better bridges and roads
In 2006, Gov. Henry won approval for a key plank of his Road to Progress initiative, a $125 million infusion of funds in an emergency bridge repair program. MORE
Taking care of our own
With thousand of Oklahomans playing an active role in the war on terrorism, Gov. Henry moved to lend assistance to soldiers abroad and families at home. MORE