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Dr. Derek de la Peña

Dr. Derek de la Peña earned his Ph.D. from the University of Florida, where he specialized in sport psychology. Since then he has worked with a number of championship teams, as well as amateur and professional athletes in a variety of sports. He has also been a professor in psychology for the last decade primarily within the University of Houston System and has published in scientific research journals such as the Journal of Sport Behavior, the Journal of Sport Sciences, and the North American Journal of Psychology, to name a few.

In a recent study, he compared two types of Christians with differing perceptions of what contributes to happiness. The findings of the study implicate the importance of keeping God first place in one’s conceptualization of happiness (click here to view the study).

In addition to his research, he also published a book entitled “Scripture and Sport Psychology: Mental-Game Techniques for the Christian Athlete”.

Dr.D also speaks on a variety topics related to peak performance and life perspective and serves as a men’s ministry leader at his local church.

In addition to his professional and volunteer endeavors, he also enjoys participating in a variety of sports such as running, golf, basketball, tennis, and softball. Having a competitive nature himself, he has even completed an ironman triathlon.

He lives in the Greater Houston Area with his wife, Merida, three children, Robbie, Annie, and Timmy, and two dogs, Max and Chula.

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