A strong ‘We before I Nature’ (WIN) is an indispensible trait of a champion. The ‘Win’ in WinZone assumes that our best life is a collective one, that ‘team’ is greater than ‘me.’ The ‘Zone’ in WinZone represents the mental place associated with peak performance. The WinZone concept considers both purpose and performance intentions as vital components to an athlete’s complete mental-game. Too many athletes fail to tap into an inner strength that facilitates fulfillment both on and off the playing field.
WinZone thinking cultivates both perspective and performance objectives in order to maximize human potential. With respect to performance, the field of sport psychology provides a wealth of knowledge pertaining to athletic excellence. Regarding perspective, the new field of positive psychology has shed light on the principles associated with living a life of happiness and fulfillment. Although the WinZone concept is influenced by both sport and positive psychology, it is most influenced by Christian Theology.
At WinZone Peak Performance, we believe that human potential is best maximized when God is at the center of all life pursuits.