Panel of Experts
(click on photo for bio)
What Is In Silver?
The Silver section of this website is designed to offer you exposure to not only the experts, but also other business owners who have wrestled with the very same issues you are likely confronting now. Taking the fundamentals learned in the Bronze section and providing you with more than theory or textbook answers.

Silver members will have case studies, real life examples to relate to, actual business dilemmas to address, and meet the people who made the decisions and are prepared to share it with you. The experts you met in Bronze will also share additional insights of a more intermediate nature to mirror your stage in your own business evolution. Silver members will have either progressed through Bronze level learning, or will be assumed to have "real life experience" with their business at a level that places you on a par with those that have successfully completed Bronze level learning of business fundamentals.

Now that you are committed to making the dream of business ownership a reality, StartUpBuilder.Com is your resource for mentoring you on your path towards a more successful business result and a more fulfilling ownership experience. Applying the lessons learned and internalized from your experience or from the Bronze level, you are now ready to take the next leap forward toward maximizing your efforts and reaping the rewards.

What Will I Learn?
The emphasis is on learning through real life examples. Having already learned the issues you are likely to confront and how to prepare for them in Bronze, Silver members will be asked to make decisions based on readings, video clips of both experts and business owners confronting the issues, and then making selections. Where Bronze was focused on learning concepts and providing tips and techniques; Silver is targeted to helping you make the choices you (and other entrepreneurs) are forced to make daily, and often with less than perfect information, sufficient time to consider ramifications of decisions, and pressures and deadlines not of your own making.

• Among the decisions you will be asked to make will be:
1- When to bring on additional resources
2- Should you seek partners
3- How to "break into" other industries with your existing product line or service offerings
4- Going public or not
5- Whether to license your brand to others
6- Building succession plans

• Among the topics included for more in-depth analysis are:
1- Web-based marketing
2- Securing funding from sources
3- How to shop for insurances
4- How to use the telephone to sell
5- Tax implications of various decisions
6- Business valuation

What Do I Get In Silver?
Sliver members are elite and have demonstrated a desire and capacity for absorbing information at a level that recognizes the nuances of business and strives to make things actionable and applicable to the business owned.[more] With that in mind, the Silver members will have access to the following features of StartUpBuilder.Com:

1- The ability to interact with other Silver members in bulletin board postings
2- Access to webcast/chatroom exchanges with various experts and business owners addressing the issues that matter to you most
3- All Silver members receive the following:
  1- How To Succeed As An Independent Consultant, by David Zahn (John Wiley & Sons)
2- The Quintessential Guide To Using Consultants by David Zahn (HRD Press)
3- A Financial Planning Profile
4- More Valuable Insights

You will be provided with a relationship not unlike a mentorship with your favorite teachers. Follow the advice provided and in no time at all, you will see that is much more rewarding to succeed in your own business if you DON'T GO IT ALONE!

Silver Sample Page
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