104 N. Greenwood, Suite 100, Houston, TX 77011 • Tel: 713.659.2511 • Fax: 713.650.0871 • info@rebuildinghouston.org
Individual Giving

Support for Rebuilding Together Houston begins with you. Your generous support of our Annual Fund at any level helps us to provide a safe, warm and dry home environment for our low-income elderly, disabled and veteran neighbors in some of Houston’s most historic communities.

Furthermore, you can celebrate our mission of hope and restoration by helping us to fund new areas of outreach to the most underserved, investing in materials used by our volunteer crews, or ensuring that RTH exists for generations to come through a legacy gift in your estate planning.

Contributions to RTH include gifts of cash, stock, or property. Whatever your passion, you can channel your support toward programs that mean the most to you.

Levels of Giving

Donor $75
Friend $125
Supporter $250
Sustainer $500
Benefactor $1,000
Patron >$1,000


For more information about ways to give to support Rebuilding Together Houston, please contact Chuck Lutke at (713) 923-1855 ext 24 orgiving@rebuildinghouston.org

QUICK LINKS: Apply for Aid Follow UsVolunteerDonate

Thank You to Our Sustaining Sponsors

104 N. Greenwood, Suite 100, Houston, TX 77011 • Tel: 713.659.2511 • Fax: 713.650.0871  •  info@rebuildinghouston.org
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