Cumulative History--Since 1982
20,000 projects (roofs, electrical/plumbing, wheelchair ramps, volunteer - home exteriors)
275,000 volunteer days from over 110,000 individual volunteers (estimated)
11,000 homes
25,000 lives impacted (using 2.3 persons/home)
$95M in value added to Houston communities (includes volunteer labor value of $57M)
Most Recent History (Five year 2009-2013) - Average/year
645 projects
10,000 volunteer days from over 4000 individual volunteers (estimated)
365 homes (one (1) for every calendar day of the year!)
500 lives impacted
$3.9M of value added (includes volunteer labor value of $2.1M)
Total revenues:$2.6M/yr
$0.65M/yr for operating expenses (includes all staff salaries and benefits)
$1.95M/yr for direct construction expense
Total Expenses/yr also $(2.6M)
Operating costs $(0.7M)
Construction costs ($1.9M)
2013 and 2014
Meeting financial budget that include investment of over $200,000 in people and processes to position RT for growth
investments for Information technology for operations and advancement
investments in marketing and website
investments in new employee positions in Community Relations, Advancement and Construction
Balance sheet on December 31, 2013 includes
Cash of $670,000
Total Assets of $720,000
$0 debt
Restricted Fund of $180,000
Unrestricted Fund o $540,000
Plans for 2014
Growth in budget to $3M+
Increasing impact on the lives of more homeowners
More partnerships with volunteering and underwriting partners
Hosting the start-up Houston ToolBank at our warehouse