Q: When hearing for
the first time my intentions; nearly everyone
has asked me: Why not start at the county or
state legislative level?
A: It is because national
and international issues are what "Light
My Fire". It is what I have been passionate
about my whole life. For me - since I went to
Boy's State in 1963 - I've known my "purpose"
in life was to serve the people and my country
in the U.S. House or the U.S. Senate. I've followed
the workings of our federal government fervently
ever since; keeping informed and engaged about
our democracy.
Q: When hearing for the
first time my intentions; nearly everyone has
told me: You don't stand a chance of being elected.
Frank Lucas has been in office 14 years and
is well liked. What makes you think you can
A. I have no doubt that
Frank Lucas is a good man. But, he has not been
a leader with a vision for the future, nor has
he taken stands on the difficult issues of the
day. He has been able to "coast" because
he has not had a serious challenger for his
seat in Congress since he was elected 14 years
ago. Well, he has a serious challenger this
I recall reading a 2006 editorial
in The Oklahoman that stated, "The
definition of an optimist, in political terms
in Oklahoma, is any candidate who runs against
Frank Lucas for the 3rd Congressional District
I'm a realist and an optimist.
I recognize the odds are very long as I start
my campaign. But, I know in my heart, in my
mind, and in my gut - that when people get to
know me, know my stand on the critical issues
of the day, know my vision for our country's
future - that I can win and I will win this
election with your help and your support.
If you have questions or comments to share with
Frankie Robbins, simply e-mail them with your
contact information to campaign@robbinsforcongress2008.com