Frankie Robbins For Congress 2008
Robbins for Congress
119 N. Main
PO Box 86
Medford, OK 73759
Real Leadership for Oklahoma
Frankie Robbins cares deeply about his state and his country. He aspires to make a difference – to provide our children, grandchildren and future generations a better and stronger nation than that we inherited from our mothers and fathers. He is committed to working with Republicans, Democrats, and independents to unite all Oklahomans and Americans; to bridge the red/blue divide and to move our nation forward in a positive and robust way.
Critical Issues for Our Future
We, as a nation, face two huge challenges. They are our dependence on foreign oil and the urgency to address climate change. Today, these are the greatest threats to our national security, our economy, our way of life, and our place as the greatest nation on earth. And, if not addressed now, these matters will have serious consequences for decades to come. We must tackle these key threats with a national unity and purpose not seen since World War II. MORE
Good for Our Country; Good for You
Beginning today, you can make a difference for your country and for yourself. Take personal responsibility for your good health and join Frankie Robbins on a virtual Walk to Washington. Get friends and family in your community to join your fellow Oklahomans as you get physically fit and politically active and "walk to Washington" through your own neighborhoods, schools and parks. That way you'll be supporting change in health care and helping Frankie Robbins get America back on track!
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"I am running for the U.S. House of Representatives in the 3rd Congressional District of Oklahoma.
I respectfully and humbly ask for your support and your vote."

--Frankie Robbins