in this interdisciplinary field seek to understand
such mental phenomena as perception, thought,
memory, the acquisition and use of language,
learning, concept formation, and consciousness.
Some investigators focus on relationships
between brain structures and behavior, while
others work with computer simulation and at
more abstract levels.
major in Managerial Studies is an interdepartmental,
nonprofessional program designed to provide
undergraduates with an understanding of the
environment in which businesses and other
other organizations exist today. Tools employed
by management in the commitment of its financial
and human resources are also studied.
interdisciplinary major focuses on policy
issues that are of public interest. Students
in policy studies evaluate and analyze both
the determinants and the effects of policy
decisions, gaining an understanding of the
policy-making process and acquiring an intellectual
base for policy-making skills. The course
of study addresses theoretical issues as well
as applied and prescriptive policy questions. |
Get to Know... |
Rice's Newest Rhodes
Scholar |
Noorain F. Khan,
a senior at Rice University, is among the 32 college
students selected as Rhodes Scholars for 2006.
The Scholars, who were chosen from 903 applicants,
will enter the University of Oxford in England next
Khan, from Grand Rapids, Mich., is majoring in political
science, women and gender studies and religious
studies at Rice. She is writing her senior thesis
on issues relating to the veiling of Muslim women.
As a Mellon Mays Undergraduate Fellow, she also
is researching the attitudes toward the veiling
of Pakistani-American immigrants.
An active campus leader, Khan chairs the Student
Forum of Rice's James A. Baker III Institute for
Public Policy and has interned at Shirkat Gah (a
Pakistani NGO dealing with women's rights), the
U.S. Senate, the Middle East Institute, Amnesty
International and the Baker Institute Energy Forum.
In addition, she has been recognized by Girl Scouts
U.S.A. as a "Young Woman of Distinction,"
which is awarded to the top Girl Scouts in the country,
for her work in Muslim community organizing.
At Oxford, she plans to pursue a master of philosophy
degree in migration studies.
Did You Know?...that
"CHIL" is the Computer-Human
Interaction Laboratory under the direction
of Mike Byrne, assistant professor of
Psychology. The main theme of research
at CHIL is cognitive science applied
to human-computer interaction...which
is what you're doing right now. |