12603 Southwest Freeway, Suite 166, Stafford, Texas 77477 281 818 7504


Effective professional development is an essential process for each individual.  The McCalvin Institute's programs and initiatives are built on the belief that people learn best and retain the most when they have the ability to ask questions relevant to their personal experience.

We seek to provide that personal engagement along with an ever-expanding roster of relevant and quality workshops with the aim of facilitating individual improvement, achievement and success.

Workshop Plus

How many times have you attended a training course, left feeling like you'd accomplished something, but weeks or even days later yiou'd forgotten most of what you'd learned?  Who has time to go through handouts or thumb through a binder looking to refresh the experience.  The McCalvin Institute offers "Workshop Plus" and unique and valuable one-on-one consulting experience which takes place after the classroom work is completed.  Your McCalvin advisor will answer your questions, offer advice and ensure that the personal change you need and demand takes place and keeps you on the road to success.

Peer Interaction

An important component of McCalvin's training model is peer interaction, which, fundamentally, provides perspective outside each individual's viewpoint. Frequent use of peer-to-peer exercises enhances retention and creates a greater change dynamic.

Focused Purpose

Our aim at McCalvin is to meet the needs of the adult learner. We understand that professional development is highly personal for each individual and acknowledge that change is a process that takes time. We offer awareness/exploration and skill-bulding activities as well as strategic planning.

Systems Thinking

Systems thinking centers on the complex, interdependent interrelationships among the various aspects of relationships. Effective professional activities share common elements and focuses. This comprehensive approach to change significantly increases complimentary and measurable outcomes.

Change Management

Effective innovation requires monitoring of implementation, communication, linked with other initiatives, identification of unsolved problems, and concise problem-solving action. Our programs acknowledge that change is complex and requires consideration of multiple elements which include: clarification of problematic elements, new skill development, and a well-designed action plan.

Collegiality and Collaboration

Professional development activities are team-based to facilitate collegiality and collaboration. Each component of our workshop offerings strives to incorporate collaborative thinking and team building. Teamwork is a critical focus in our approach.