David McCalvin, President
With more than 30 years of professional experience in corporate and entrepreneurial business, David McCalvin is familiar with the many sides of success. His approach, and that of the McCalvin Institute for Knowledge, is to collect the best available current ideas and build on the means and methods that maximize achievement.
"A team of motivated individuals will almost always overachieve," McCalvin says. "Processes must fit the people as well as the direct service or product. Identifying inefficiencies enhances business improvement.
David Doyle, Title Here
A professional with a proven track record; David possesses audit and root-cause analysis expertise and is considered a skilled behavioral safety resource. He has a proven ability to drive change using compelling metrics.
An expert in selection, development and empowerment of a diversified workforce, David maintains a strong relationship with management and staff at all levels of the organization.
An active leader, coach, mentor and speaker, David applies expertise to improve efficiency exercising for professionals from all walks of business life.
Xuan VandeBerg, Title Here
With more than 15 years of professional experience in the engineering and technology field, Xuan is an idea-generating and brainstorming ace. She brings great strategic energy and zest to McCalvin Institute team.
Xuan works strategically with her clients zeroing in on problem areas and quickly identifying the required improvements. She promotes focus, data interpretation, effectiveness, and empowerment to get the job done and creates value right away.
Xuan is a proactive, quick-learner and energetic professional with an analytical personality that is adaptable to working well with others in a team-oriented environment or independently. Xuan brings high integrity/intensity leadership with a drive to direct and implement realistic solutions, sustain high levels of safety, service quality, and environmental consciousness.
Zenobia Pressley, Title Here
With two decades of professional experience in entrepreneurial and corporate business, Zee knows what it takes to get ahead in a competitive world. She delivers a bright smile and abundant zeal to any group with which she's involved. Success by high levels of initiative and energy are her hallmarks.
Through the years, Zee has demonstrated a vigorous passion towards coaching, motivating, and mentoring associates and business leaders on to expand their horizons of success. Zee has the polish and finesse to coach and convince professionals to excel with ease.
CiCi Casaly, Director of Business Development
CiCi Casaly understands the requirements for success in business. As director of business development for The McCalvin Institute, CiCi engages a wide variety of business professionals. Her diverse background enables her to readily understand the requirements of each client.and align them with the applicable worksops to help their business flourish. "What impresses me most about David McCalvin," CiCi says, "is his intuitive nature to get to the core of the challenges businesses face today. That's meaningful and reflected in his Institute's ever-growing list of workshop offerings."
CiCi brings competency, clarity or purpose, and enthusiasm to each of her interactions. She stands ready to assist her clients engage with the McCalvin Institute to unlock the potential of their individual employees, as well as their businesses and organizations as a whole.