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For Immediate Release: July 25, 2006
For More Information Contact:
Charles Goodknight
405-840-4779 or 405-425-9993


Lt. Governor Candidate Cal Hobson Thanks His Supporters

State Senator Cal Hobson alongside his supporters and staff gathered tonight in Norman to watch the election returns. Preliminary election results seem to show Hobson coming in with 18% of the vote in the Democratic primary race for Lieutenant Governor, just behind Jari Askins and Pete Regan.

Hobson entered the race much later than his primary challengers in order to avoid any conflict with his duties as a state Senator in the recently completed legislative term. "This has been an exciting and positive campaign for us since the beginning," Hobson remarked as his friends and supporters stood by his side at the Legend's Restaurant in Norman.

Senator Hobson and his wife Elaine express their deep gratitude to everyone who helped make their campaign a reality. "We can't thank all of our dedicated staff and terrific volunteers enough for what you have done over the last several months. We would not be here without your love and support," Hobson told those gathered at his watch party.

This year's race for Lieutenant Governor promises to be a competitive one and has already sparked heated debate. Senator Hobson urges the other candidates in the race to remain positive and keep the contest clean, "It's extremely important that the race for Lt. Governor be ran with dignity, and this is what I have tried to do. Thus far, our campaign has issued no negative attack ads or campaign material disparaging any other candidate."

Three other candidates challenged Cal Hobson for the Democratic nomination for Lt. Governor. "I deeply respect my opponents in this race and wish them the best of luck in the future," Hobson said. Democrats Regan and Askins will face off on August 22 to see who challenges the Republican in the November 7 general election.
