For Immediate Release: June
19, 2006
For More Information Contact:
Cal Hobson for Lt. Governor,
Senator Cal Hobson honored to receive OEA Endorsement
for Lt. Governor's Race
Oklahoma City-Senator
Cal Hobson, democratic candidate for lieutenant
governor, is extremely honored and grateful for
the overwhelming vote to endorse him in the 2006
primary by the Oklahoma Education Association
Fund for Children and Public Education (OEA FCPE).
Senator Cal Hobson's name has become synonymous
with education throughout his tenure in the legislature.
He was a principal co-author of the Landmark Education
Reform Act in 1990 (HB 1017) which put an extra
2.1 billion dollars into common schools. Additionally,
the act reduced class size, enhanced computerization
and greatly improved early childhood opportunities.
Hobson also was the principal author of legislation
that voluntarily increased funding for schools,
scholarships and the Teachers Retirement System
through the state lottery and gaming and racing
initiatives. Most recently, Senator Hobson single
handedly defeated a bill that would have permanently
reduced funding from the School Land Commission
for both common schools and higher education in
Oklahoma. "Education has always been my top
priority in the legislature because it is the
best way to guarantee all of Oklahoma will be
competitive throughout the 21st century,"
says Hobson.
Roy Bishop, President of OEA FCPE, says "Senator
Hobson's tenure in the legislature provides him
a unique view of the state's legislative history
must have someone in the lieutenant governor's
office who has demonstrated the leadership and
skill to further enhance Oklahoma's educational
system. Senator Cal Hobson has demonstrated his
ability, over and over again for 28 years, to
stand up and be the voice for education---loudly
and clearly in the halls of the state capitol."