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Business Leaders Favor Hobson

According to the July 20th edition of the Journal Record, State Senator Cal Hobson (D-Lexington) garnered the most support from business leaders in his quest for the Democratic nomination for Lt. Governor. Hobson leads his Democratic opponents in the Record's poll with 29% saying they would vote for Hobson in the primary election. Such a strong following for Hobson is truly amazing since both of his opponents have been actively campaigning for nearly one year, while Cal Hobson only announced his candidacy on June 6th. Senator Hobson delayed active campaigning as to not conflict with the recently concluded 2006 legislative session.

Hobson said, "I am truly humbled and gratified by this strong showing of support from the business community. I believe business leaders fully endorse my aggressive initiatives over the last 30 years to grow Oklahoma. Our efforts have paid dividends for all of our citizens, with the most recent example being the soon to open National Weather Center in Norman. The Center will create 600 highly skilled technical and high-paying jobs and generate $100 million of economic development in our state. Accomplishing good things takes hard work, persistence and creative thinking. The results speak for themselves."

The Journal Record poll is just one of many, including the Tulsa World, that reflect Hobson's years of dedication in creating high quality economic opportunities for all of our citizens. Only more good news will follow.