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Cal is the only candidate in the race for Lt. Governor who has served in the military uniform of this country. Hobson served proudly for 32 years in the United States Air Force and retired as a full Colonel from the Oklahoma National Guard. Cal was designated as an honor graduate from every military school he attended, including Squadron Offices School and the Air War College.

This experience is critically important now that our country is at war and as Oklahomans across the state are making such major contributions at the Tinker, Ft. Sill, Vance, Altus, and McAlester military facilities. Additionally, thousands of Oklahoma Guardsmen and women have proudly served alongside active duty troops around the globe in the war on terror. As a testament of their effectiveness, the bombs that eliminated the number one terrorist in Iraq, al-Zarqawi, were manufactured at the McAlester Army bomb depot. That’s one less terrorist who can kill American troops and innocent Iraqi civilians.

Senator Hobson’s experience as a soldier has provided him with the much-needed perspective to represent Oklahomans effectively when we are called to arms. You can count on him when it comes to our state’s role in defending America.