For Hobson
"Horsemen for Hobson", a combination
of Quarter Horse and Thoroughbred Association
Members, will be hosting a fundraiser for Cal
in the Eclipse Room, on the top floor of beautiful
Remington Park, on Wednesday, July 12, at 5:30
to 7:00 p.m. World-renowned horse-racing artist
Fred Stone has contributed several works of art
to the campaign. Two of these, a limited edition
of "Lady's Secret" and an artist's proof
of "Lady's Magic", will be auctioned
that evening. Remington Park is located on N.E.
Martin Luther King Blvd., north of the Oklahoma
City Zoo and N.E. 50th. It is easily accessible
off I-35, west of the interstate at the N. 50th
street exit. All are invited to attend and contributions
of any amount are gratefully accepted.