Wheelchair Seating and Mobility Clinic
A child that must sit in a wheelchair
for most of the day usually requires a
more sophisticated wheelchair than an
adult because the child's muscles and
bones are still growing. It is critical
to maintain proper anatomical alignment
to prevent permanent structural changes
and deformities. During this clinic the
child and their family will meet with
a physical therapist, occupational therapist
and a knowledgeable representative of
a local durable medical equipment company.
Several measurements will be taken and
the therapists will make an assessment
of the child's postural stability and
their capacity to become independently
mobile. Once the optimal equipment is
chosen, the therapists will then complete
the paperwork necessary to seek funding
for that equipment from the child's insurance,
Medicaid or other known source. For an
appointment contact Sue O'Hare or Maria
Greenfield at 405.307.2800.