Municipal Contractors
Hearts Are Wide Open to McCarty Center Children
(December 17, 2009) The
economy may be down, but the Oklahoma Municipal
Contractors Associations hearts
and wallets are wide open for the children served
by the J. D. McCarty Center for children with
developmental disabilities in Norman.
During its annual Christmas
party for the inpatients at the McCarty Center
the president of OMCA, Doug Walker with Rudy
Construction, and OMCA executive director, Rick
Moore, presented a check to the McCarty Centers
director and CEO, Curt Peters, for $35,000.
The money will be used to fund activities for
the inpatients next year.
OMCA raises money for the
McCarty Center through its annual golf tournament
held each September at the Twin Hills Golf and
Country Club in Oklahoma City.
Im always amazed
by our members and our tournament sponsors,
said Moore. With the economy the way it
is, we exceeded our expectations this year by
about $10,000. It just demonstrates the level
of commitment our organization has to the kids
at the McCarty Center.
The party, held in the
McCarty Centers conference center, included
Christmas music sung by Mary Alice Koehn, wife
of OMCA member Rod Koehn; a visit from Rudolf
the Red Nosed Reindeer and Santa and Mrs. Claus.
Helping Santa distribute toys to the kids were
members of OMCA and some of their children.
All were dressed as Santas elves.
The Oklahoma Municipal
Contractors Association is the states
trade organization that represents contractors
who work on local, state and federal municipal
The J. D. McCarty Center
is Oklahomas center of excellence in the
care and treatment of children with developmental
disabilities from birth to age 21. This pediatric
rehab hospital provides the physical, occupational,
speech and language therapy that helps their
patients reach their highest level of functionality
and independence. Founded in 1946, the McCarty
Center treated just one diagnosis
palsy. Today, the McCarty Center has treated
more that 70 different diagnoses in the developmental
disability category. The McCarty Center is the
only hospital of its kind in the state of Oklahoma.
Santa and Mrs. Claus
unload a bag full of goodies for 15-year
old Jacee Palmer from Muskogee during the
Oklahoma Municipal Contractors Association
annual Christmas party for the inpatients
of the J. D. Mccarty Center. Assisting Palmer
with her gifts is McCarty Center direct
care specialist Kerri Onken.
Fourteen- year-old Cale
Smith, from Hinton, is all smiles as Santa
Claus presents him with one of several
gifts provided by the Oklahoma Municipal
Contractors Association during their annual
Christmas party for the inpatients of
the J. D. McCarty Center in Norman. Looking
on is Smith's direct care specialist Karri