Four Hundred Fifty
Years of Service Celebrated During McCarty Center
Employee Appreciation Week
Twenty-eight employees
of the J. D. McCarty Center for children with
developmental disabilities in Norman will be
recognized for a cumulative total of 450 years
of service to the McCarty Center and/or the
State of Oklahoma during employee appreciation
week to be held August 24-28.
The following eighteen
individuals represent 190-years of service to
the McCarty Center. Leading the group is Cindy
Lewis with 25-years. Debbie Barrett and Katie
Stuart both have 20-years. Ray Bradley, Chrissy
Hancock and Elizabeth Wilson have 15-years.
Kelli Richeson, Greg Gaston, Linda Erwin and
Dr. Mark Scott each have 10-years. Five-year
service awards will go to Phyllis Brawner, Cynthia
Malloy, Debra Poscharscky, Terence Paddlety,
Judy Carman, Mary Davenport, Joe Lewis and Bonny
These twenty-two
individuals represent 260-years of service to
the State of Oklahoma. Cindy Lewis, Katie Stuart
and Saundra Myers-Johnson lead the group with
25-years of service.
Chrissy Hancock,
Phyllis Brawner, Linda Zackery, Marci Koetter-Manson
and Pam Shepard have 15-years.
Kelli Richeson, Greg
Gaston, Linda Erwin, Uwe von Schamann, Debra
Secrest and Becky Melsek have 10-years.
Cynthia Malloy, Debra
Poscharscky, Terence Paddlety, Judy Carman,
Mary Davenport, Joe Lewis and Bonny Harry have
five years of service with the state.
"All of our
employees have a lot to be proud of for what
they do for the kids who come here for treatment,"
said Debbie Barrett, director of human resources.
"Not everyone is cut out for working with
these kids, but those who are find it incredibly
rewarding work."
"Employees will
be recognized in various ways during the week,"
Barrett added, "including an employee appreciation
luncheon on Tuesday, August 25, with a dinner
that evening for second shift employees. The
night shift employees will be served a special
breakfast on Thursday morning at the end of
their shift. There will also be an ice cream
social on Wednesday, August 27."
The J. D. McCarty
Center is Oklahoma's center of excellence in
the care and treatment of children with developmental
disabilities from all over the state. Inpatient
and outpatient services in physical, occupational,
speech and language therapy are provided to
children from birth to age 21. Founded in 1946,
by the veterans group, the 40 et 8 of Oklahoma,
the hospital only treated one diagnosis
palsy. Today, the McCarty Center has treated
more than 70 different diagnoses in the developmental
disability category.