County Clerk Keglers
Raise Money for Camp ClapHans
Cleveland County
Clerk, Tammy Howard, and 88 citizens of Cleveland
County met for an evening of "gutter madness"
at the Sooner Bowling Center in Norman to raise
money for Camp ClapHans, a summer camp project
of the J. D. McCarty Center.
"This was our second
event," said Brooke Workman, one of the
event coordinators from Howard's office. "With
a year of experience under our belts, we were
better organized and it showed in the amount
of money we raised."
"This year's gutter
madness netted $3,588," said Uwe von Schamann,
director of development for the McCarty Center.
"The money will go to the Camp ClapHans
scholarship endowment fund. This fund will provide
scholarships to assist families with the camp
The J. D. McCarty Center
is Oklahoma's center of excellence in the care
and treatment of children with developmental
disabilities from birth to age 21. Founded in
1946, in Norman, the McCarty Center only treated
one diagnosis
cerebral palsy. Today, the
McCarty Center has treated more than 70 different
diagnoses in the developmental disability catergory.