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Monday, September 12, 2011
OMCA Golf Tournament

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I'm Not a Hero

This morning started out in a routine fashion for Christa Boren, infection control/employee health nurse at the J. D. McCarty Center for children with developmental disabilities in Norman. Boren was on her way to work, driving south on Porter from her home in the Tecumseh Ridge subdivision. Her plan was to get into work a little early to catch up on a few things before her daily schedule began. You know what they say about "the best laid plans"… sometimes they don't work out. In Boren's case, she had to make a stop to save a life.

"As I was driving down Porter, just north of Rock Creek Road, I noticed a man kind of slump to the ground in the grass just off the street curb," explained Boren. "As I got closer I noticed that a woman had stopped and gotten out of her car. When I passed them I saw that the man was lying motionless. I immediately stopped to see if I could help."

When Boren arrived by the man's side the woman was on her cell phone calling 911. At the same time another man stopped to offer assistance. Boren determined that the man, dressed in shorts, t-shirt and running shoes, was not breathing and did not have a pulse. Boren sent someone to the 7-11 convenience store at the corner of Porter and Rock Creek Road to see if they had an automatic external deliberator (AED) while she began CPR compressions. The man who stopped to help assisted Boren by giving the victim two breathes for each of Boren's 30 chest compressions until EMS arrived on the scene.

"When EMS arrived they asked me if I needed to be relieved," Boren said. "I told them no, that I was ok. I guess my adrenaline had really kicked in by that time and I wasn't tired." Boren continued CPR while the EMS team connected an AED and shocked the patient's heart back into rhythm.

It didn't take long for the story of Boren's morning commute to work to filter through the McCarty Center with many of her fellow employees calling her a hero. It's a title Boren isn't comfortable with. "I'm not a hero," she said, "I just did what I would expect any trained medical professional to do."

While Christa Boren may not think of herself as a hero, she is to at least one family in Norman.