Knights of Columbus Donate to Camp Scholarship
Robb, community director for the St. Thomas
More Knights of Columbus Council 8523 in Norman,
presented a check to the J. D. McCarty Center
for children with developmental disabilities
for more than $300.
The check represented proceeds from the Knights
of Columbus annual Tootsie Roll candy drive.
The St. Thomas More Knights of Columbus have
been supporting the McCarty Center for the past
10 years. Accepting the check on behalf of the
McCarty Center was Uwe von Schamann, director
of development for the pediatric rehab hospital.
"We really appreciate the long term commitment
the Knights of Columbus has made to the McCarty
Center," said von Schamann. "This
donation will go into our Camp ClapHans summer
camp scholarship fund. This fund will be used
to provide camp tuition scholarships to campers
when our summer camp opens."
The Knights of Columbus were founded by a small
group of men on October 2, 1881, at St. Mary's
Church on Hillhouse Avenue in New Haven, Connecticut.
The Knights of Columbus was the vision of a
young parish priest by the name of Father Michael
J. McGivney who saw the need for a Catholic
men's service organization. From that first
council the Knights of Columbus have grown to
more than 13,000 councils and 1.7 million members
in the United States and abroad.
The J. D. McCarty Center is Oklahoma's center
of excellence in the care and treatment of children
with developmental disabilities from birth to
age 21. Founded in 1946, the McCarty Center
treated only one diagnosis
cerebral palsy.
Today, this pediatric rehab hospital has treated
more than 70 different diagnoses in the developmental
disability category. The McCarty Center is the
only hospital of its kind in Oklahoma and in
an average year will treat children from 70
of Oklahoma's 77 counties.
Uwe von Schamann (right),
director of development for the J. D. McCarty
Center, accepts a check for $333 from James
Robb, community director for the St. Thomas
More Knights of Columbus Council 8523 in
Norman. This is the 10th year that Council
8523 has donated some of the proceeds from
their annual Tootsie Roll candy drive in
support of the McCarty Center.