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Monday, September 12, 2011
OMCA Golf Tournament

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OMCA Donates Over $40,000 to J. D. McCarty Center

Two Kids Playing with a VERY Large Ball
Curt Peters receives Christmas gift from Mr. & Mrs. Claus
The inpatients at the J. D. McCarty Center were not the only ones to receive a gift from Mr. and Mrs. Santa Claus during the Oklahoma Municipal Contactors Association (OMCA) annual Christmas party for the McCarty Center. Curt Peters (right), director and CEO of the McCarty Center, accepted a check on behalf of the hospital for $40,510 from OMCA. Mr. and Mrs. Santa Claus are being portrayed by OMCA members Don and Peggy Manning.
Image of a Staff Member Teaching a Boy with a Bow and Arrow Micayla Fowler shows off her cowboy boots from Santa
Micayla Fowler shows off the fancy new cowboy boots she received from Mr. and Mrs. Santa Claus during the Oklahoma Municipal Contractors Association (OMCA) annual Christmas party for the inpatients of the J. D. McCarty Center in Norman. In addition to providing gifts for the inpatients, OMCA donated $40,510 to the hospital. The money represents the proceeds from the OMCA's 21st annual golf tournament in support of the J. D. McCarty Center for children with developmental disabilities.
Image of a Patient Riding a Horse OMCA elf Shawn Freeman gives presents to Portia Thomas
Santa Claus and his little helpers watch as Oklahoma Municipal Contractors Association (OMCA) elf, Shawn Freeman, helps J. D. McCarty Center patient Portia Thomas with her bag of gifts from Santa. Santa and his elves made an early stop in Norman for the OMCA annual Christmas party for the inpatients of the McCarty Center. The OMCA has been hosting this party for the McCarty Center for about 40 years.
The Oklahoma Municipal Contractors Association (OMCA) presented a check to the J. D. McCarty Center for children with developmental disabilities in the amount of $40,510 this week during the annual OMCA Christmas party for the inpatients at the hospital.
The money comes from the proceeds of the OMCA's 21st annual charity golf tournament in support of the McCarty Center. The donation is the single largest donation of proceeds from any fundraising event held on behalf of the McCarty Center. The golf event was held in September at Twin Hills Golf and Country Club in Oklahoma City.