OMCA Christmas Tree Decorating Project
of the Oklahoma Municipal Contractors Association
(OMCA) helped put the J. D. McCarty Center one
step closer to Christmas in what is becoming
an annual tradition for OMCA. Members of OMCA,
which is a statewide trade organization for
the municipal contracting and construction trades,
have been decorating Christmas trees in the
main building of the McCarty Center for the
last three years. Each tree is themed.
"The first year we did this we decorated
three trees in the main lobby of the hospital,"
explained Rick Moore, executive director for
OMCA. "This year we've decorated seven
trees located in the main lobby and in the main
hall ways of the hospital," he added.
The themes of this year's trees are a candy
cane tree, a cowboy tree, a Hawaiian tree, a
McDonalds toy tree, an animal cracker tree and
a lollipop tree. A tall, elegant old-fashioned
Victorian style Christmas tree, complete with
an oversized train set filled with stuffed animals,
greets visitors to the McCarty Center in the
main lobby.
"We are so appreciative of the time and
effort OMCA invests in supporting our hospital,"
said Uwe von Schamann, the McCarty Center's
director of development. "Our association
with OMCA spans more than 40 years. Besides
the tree decoration, OMCA hosts an annual charity
golf tournament to raise money for the hospital
and a wonderful Christmas party for our inpatients,"
von Schamann added.
"Our members have made it very clear to
me that the McCarty Center is their project
of choice," said Rick Moore, executive
director of OMCA. "They believe that by
focusing their efforts on one organization that
they can make a real impact on that organization
and they prove that theory every year,"
he added.
The J. D. McCarty Center is Oklahoma's center
of excellence in the care and treatment of children
with developmental disabilities from birth to
age 21. Founded over 60 years ago, the McCarty
Center treated just one diagnosis…cerebral
palsy. Today, the McCarty Center has treated
more than 70 different diagnoses in the developmental
disability category. In an average year, the
hospital will see children from 70 of Oklahoma's
77 counties. The McCarty Center is the only
pediatric rehab hospital of its kind in the
This 12-foot tall, elegant
Victorian style Christmas tree, complete
with toy train and stuffed animals, greets
visitors to the J. D. McCarty Center's main
lobby. The tree is just one of seven themed
trees decorated by the Oklahoma Municipal
Contractors Association (OMCA). The OMCA,
which has a more than 40 year old association
with this pediatric rehab hospital in Norman,
started this annual tree decorating tradition
three years ago when the McCarty Center
opened its new hospital facility.