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SITEL Employees Raise Money for Camp ClapHans Scholarship Fund

Helen Hubble, human resources manager for SITEL, presented a check on behalf of the SITEL employees to Uwe von Schamann, director of development for the J. D. McCarty Center for children with developmental disabilities, in the amount of $700. The money will go into the McCarty Center's Camp ClapHans summer day camp scholarship fund.

Each year the 400 Norman employees of the SITEL, formerly known as ClientLogic, select a non-profit organization to support each quarter of the year. The McCarty Center was their second quarter project. The SITEL employees formed six teams of approximately 15 members each and conducted fundraising activities throughout the quarter. The fundraising activities included selling lunches, ice cream floats and conducting raffles.

SITEL employees Kristi Vollmer and Rick Phillips were the coaches of the two teams that raised the most money for this project.

SITEL is a call center that handles inbound calls for a credit card company. They have been in Norman for seven years.

The J. D. McCarty Center is Oklahoma's center of excellence in the care and treatment of children with developmental disabilities from birth to 21. In an average year, the McCarty Center will see children from 70 of Oklahoma's 77 counties. When the McCarty Center was founded in 1946, it treated only one diagnosis…cerebral palsy. Today, the McCarty Center has treated more than 70 different diagnoses in the developmental disability category. The hospital provides inpatient and outpatient services in physical, occupational and speech and language therapy.

Uwe receiving donation check from Helen Hubble
Helen Hubble, human resources manager for SITEL, (right) presents a check for $700 to Uwe von Schamann, director of development for the J. D. McCarty Center, on behalf of the 400 SITEL employees in Norman. Each quarter the SITEL employees select a non-profit organization to support through fundraising activities within the company. This donation will go to the McCarty Center's Camp ClapHans summer camp scholarship fund.