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A Source of Pride

By Gavin Smith, OU Club of Houston Scholarship Recipient 2010

I am from Spring, Texas, which is just north of Houston. I graduated from Klein Oak High School in 2009 and from the University of Oklahoma in the spring of 2013 with a degree in Energy Management. Following graduation, I moved to Fort Worth and started my career in the Oil and Gas Industry with EOG Resources as a landman.

While in high school, I looked mainly at three colleges: the University of Oklahoma, Texas Tech, and the University of Tulsa. I found out about OU through a high school friend who went there and I decided to go to an OU recruiting event in downtown Houston. There, President Boren spoke about the many opportunities available at OU and I was so enthralled I decided to take a trip to Norman to see the school. Once on campus, my college choice was a done deal. I was interested in the OU Energy Management Program, the first program in the nation of its kind. I’m also a trombone player and hoped to become a member of the Pride of Oklahoma marching band.

Just before I started my freshman year, I received news I had been awarded a scholarship from The OU Club of Houston. This award enabled me to help my parents manage the financial burden of my undergraduate tuition. I will always be thankful to the club for its support and generosity.

For three football seasons I performed at every home football game and travelled to many of the away games as a member of the Pride of Oklahoma. Representing my college on game day and running out of the tunnels and onto the field beneath a screaming crowd of 85,000 people was an experience I will never forget. That’s truly Sooner Magic!

While at OU, I also became involved in the Energy Management Student Association. This organization helps Energy Management students meet one another and provides students with opportunities to meet and learn from industry professionals. During my junior year I was the association’s Communications chair, and in my senior year I served as EMSA president. Through this program, I made friends I will keep forever. And, I’m grateful to have started my new career with the knowledge I’ve gained at OU.

Overall, the University of Oklahoma was a great fit for me and exactly what I wanted from my college experience. I am extremely thankful to The OU Club of Houston for making the journey possible. I intend to return that gift to future OU students.

The University of Oklahoma has something for everyone and was a great college home for me.



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