Leah Henry:
Leah is 17 and a senior. Leah
has enjoyed being class president
and a member of the cheerleading
squad. She also enjoyed being a
delegate to Girls State and a member
of Youth Leadership Oklahoma Class
5. Leah likes to play soccer and
hang out with her friends.
Laynie is 15 and a sophomore. Laynie
loves soccer and fishing with her
dad. Laynie is a volunteer for Special
Olympics, and is looking forward
to driving.
Baylee is 9 and in the 4th grade.
Baylee plays tennis and loves animals.
She loves horseback riding lessons
and her dogs, Sophie, Jasper and
Samson. Baylee still enjoys bedtime
stories read to her by her parents.
She also particularly enjoys riding
the bicycle built for two with her
mother. |