University of Houstons Research clusters
are multidisciplinary, challenge-based groups
of investigators that include and draw on the
strengths of existing research centers, institutes
and laboratories within multiple academic departments
and colleges.
The university has adopted
the concept of research clusters to take advantage
of the interrelationship of research areas and
capitalize on six areas in which the university
and region have strategic advantages.
Clusters are faculty-driven,
multilevel frameworks that connect researchers
with expertise in various disciplines in a multicampus
system with industry partners and funding agencies.
They provide an inclusive foundation for collective
scholarly activity and foster the sharing of
Each cluster is to develop
a strategic plan, which will include cluster
hiring and investment in core facilities that
will further enliven the research enterprise
and, ultimately, enrich the student experience.
The overarching goal of clusters
and the cluster hiring strategy is to develop
a critical mass of skills within the UH System
for national leadership in defined areas of
strategic growth.