The Foundation for Energy Education serves as an industry advocate for the advancement of students, through sanctioned scholastic activities, into careers in the energy sector. In addition, we seek to educate a broader student population about the legacy, purpose and promise of the energy industry as a whole.

Membership is composed of companies and individuals involved in oil and and natural gas extraction, as well as citizens interested in expanding awareness of U.S. energy history, issues and trends in Texas schools.

The Foundation is chaired by David L Bole, who has served as the organization's guiding force since November 2011. Bole is co-founder and president of JDS Energy, LLC, and a senior advisor at Houston-based Ceres Energy Partners. Mr. Bole holds a B.B.A. in Petroleum Land Management from the University of Oklahoma.

Serving as the Foundation's secretary/treasurer is Chris Atherton, vice president of business development for the oil and gas asset acquisition and divestiture firm, Energy Net. Mr. Atherton serves as team lead to Energy Net's business development offices in Houston, Denver, Oklahoma City, Dallas, Amarillo and Midland.


David L. Bole
Foundation Chairman
JDS Energy, LLC

Chris Atherton
Foundation Secretary/Treasurer
EnergyNet, Inc.

Steve Bole
Foundation Membership/Program Director
JDS Energy, LLC

Dana Benoit
Foundation Development Director
Benoit & Associates

Ted Collins, Jr.
Collins & Young, LLC

Dan O. Dinges
Cabot Oil & Gas

Steve Hinchman
Highmount Exploration

Roy Pitcock, Jr.
Pitcock, Inc.

Jason Rebrook
Hillcorp Energy

John Tangawa
Ceres Energy Partners