Welcome to U.M. ARMY

Faith...fellowship...friendship....and fun!

Those are the key ingredients to one of the most rewarding summer camp experiences you can hope to have.

U.M. ARMY is :United Methodist Action Reach-Out Mission by Youth.  On the surface, it's a week long summer mission experience for individuals Grades 8 through college.  Dig a little deeper--and experience U.M. ARMY first-hand--and you'll discover an amazing opportunity to grow physically, mentally and spiritually.

U.M. ARMY was born in Texas and the Texas Conference is the organization's most successful venture with more than a dozen high school and college camps each spring and summer.  On this website, you'll learn more about U.M. ARMY and see the Camp Stories from a variety of perspectives, from camper to parent to adult volunteer.  You'll get a feel for why hundreds of young people enthusiastically participate in U.M. ARMY mission camps each year.

There's also a place for you to ask questions (and get answers!) and link to registration for U.M. ARMY participation.

We hope you enjoy the online experience you'll find here, but can assure you that what you see and read on our website is nothing compared to the real experience you'll find serving others and the Lord.


Camp Stories


U.M. ARMY has much to offer. whether you're a middle school, high school or college student; a parent; or adult looking to volunteer. Begin your journey here.


Find out what makes U.M. ARMY a unique, rewarding and fun summer camp experience for students Grades 8 through 12. See how lives are changed.

Campers' Stories

A decision to attend a U.M. ARMY summer mission camp can be one of the most spiritually and emotionally beneficial experience of a young person's life.

Youth Ministers

U.M ARMY can be a powerful experience for those who participate and an important resource for youth ministry programs to engage young people.

Parent's Perspective

An important element to the success of a U.M. ARMY experience is parental support. Find out why one father's story about how UM ARMY affected his family.

Adult Volunteer

One of the key ingredients to the U.M. ARMY experience is the volunteer support of adult volunteers. Discover the rewarding benefits of lending a hand.

College ARMY

The U.M. ARMY experience doesn't end with high school graduation. Many campers continue or begin their mission experience while in college.

Pastor's Q&A

Rev. Tony Vinson of Clear Lake United Methodist Church in Houston is a long-time advocate of U.M. ARMY and helped start the movement.

Next Steps

Ready to get started on your U.M. ARMY journey. Get more information. Get excited. Get involved...and Join The U.M. ARMY today.

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