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New face-recognition software offers simplicity, security

Ioannis Kakadiaris UH Home Page
Computational Biomedicine Lab
The New Face of Identity Protection:
You (Science Daily)


If you’re the type to never remember your passwords or where you put your keys, University of Houston professor Ioannis Kakadiaris envisions a solution for you.

Kakadiaris, Eckhard Pfeiffer professor of computer science, and his
Computational Biomedicine Lab team have developed face-recognition software that uses a three-dimensional snapshot of a person’s face to create a unique identifier, or biometric.

It can be used for many tasks, such as gaining access to secure facilities or authorizing credit card purchases. The identification procedure is as effortless as taking a photograph.

“Accuracy is the name of the game in 3-D face recognition,” Kakadiaris said.
“What makes our system so accurate is the strength of the variables that we use to describe a person’s face…Imagine a day when you simply sit in front of your computer and it recognizes who you are. Everything will be both easier and more secure – from online purchases to parental control of Web sites your children visit.”


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