Frankie Robbins For Congress 2008
Robbins for Congress
119 N. Main
PO Box 86
Medford, OK 73759

Join me in the Walk to Washington

The Challenge!

I am asking you to join me in my journey to Congress by walking to Washington with me. Because my home in Medford is 1,345 miles from the steps of our nation's capitol, I am asking each community in Oklahoma Congressional District 3 to walk 1,345 miles by Election Day, November 4, 2008.

How Do We Do It?

In every community, we will need a group of four or more people to volunteer as community captains. (Click here to volunteer). The captains will ask family, friends, and neighbors in their community to join them and they will record their communities progress in the Walk to Washington.

What Do We Do?

One of the basics for good health is exercise. Walking is a simple but effective exercise to improve physical fitness and manage our weight. Walking 10,000 steps, 5 days a week is recommended to achieve a good level of physical fitness. Walking doesn't take special gear, special equipment, or facilities; you can walk just about anywhere; and it is fun and easy to do with friends and family.

How do I Start

Begin at whatever your level of physical fitness is today (be that 10 steps, 100 steps, or 1,000 steps per day) and add steps each week as you improve your level of fitness. Many may be surprised how many steps they take in the course of the day - those steps count towards the goal of 10,000 steps (about 5 miles). The Robbins for Congress campaign will provide pedometers to the community captains so they can record their steps and share with others. Count every step every day; and no matter where you go, those steps count.

Here is an example: Taking two thousand steps equals walking approximately one mile. If a group of 20 friends and family in your community each walked 4,000 steps per day, five days a week; that community would reach Washington in only 34 days.

Making a Difference

Together we can make a BIG difference. We can improve our health, our quality of life, our communities' vitality, help reduce health care costs and make health insurance more affordable, set an example for our children and send Frankie Robbins to Congress to Get America Back on Track. We can get fit while "Taking Robbins to the House!"

When I visit your community, I look forward to joining you in the Walk to Washington.

Click here to join in the walk

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