The Pujols
Family Foundation is very pleased
to announce a brand new outreach
for adults with Down syndrome in
St. Louis. This new program will
focus on building community relations
through awareness, interaction and
involvement of people with disabilities.
High 5 is simply about adults with
Down syndrome who are seeing the
community as not just a place to
receive services, but to serve.
People with Possibilities
To build community awareness that
people with Down syndrome are people
with possibilities, not just disabilities.
Through serving others the High
Five team will demonstrate the abilities
and unlimited contributions of people
with Down syndrome. By establishing
and building relationships with
each other, the community and those
we serve, we shall also foster an
environment of increased self-esteem
and purpose. The minimum age requirement
of participants is 18.
High Five Project is:
- A positive example of
how individuals who are intellectually
challenged can contribute to their
- An outreach to others by participating
in community service projects and
- A powerful awareness vehicle.
Allowing team members to present
a positive impression on all those
they meet and serve.
- An opportunity for team members
to take responsibility and leadership
in their areas of serving, functioning
as vital members through the entire
- An education tool, as it pertains
to job interviews, resumes, dealing
with other people and their differences,
next generation issues, leadership,
independent living, safety issues,
transportation challenges, budgeting,
- A catalyst for change
For more
information about High 5, please
contact Jen Cooper at 314-878-2105
or email us at :