2008: New Year, New Look
to our new website! Our thanks to
the cooperative efforts of Netsential
Turn-Key VideoWorks
for our new look. In an effort to share
more of what is happening in and around
Memorial Park, we've included an activities
section, interactive map (coming soon) and
user testimonials. Please give us your feedback
and opinions about the site and Memorial
Park Conservancy. We look forward to hearing
more from you! |
Arbor Day
The Abor Day celebration held on
January 19th at the Houston Arboretum
& Nature Center was a huge success
for MPC as well! Thirty volunteers
participated in the Memorial Park
Conservancy's Paper Recycling/Hat-making
booth. Volunteers from Spring Woods
High School, St. Laurence Catholic
School, University of Houston, and
Katy Taylor High School helped children
make and decorate newspaper hats.
Thanks to their enthusiasm and creativity,
the hat booth was a very popular
location. We appreciated the opportunity
to share the importance and significance
of the park with the Arboretum's
guests and to encourage new members
to learn about MPC!
raises nearly $50,000
Saturday, January 26, 2008, 7:30-11:00
Architecture Center Houston
On January 26, the
Memorial Park Conservancy hosted
bridgeBASH: A Taste of the Park
at the Architecture Center Houston.
More than six hundred guests attended
the event in support of the Memorial
Park bridge proposal. The evening
included a silent auction, specialty
dishes from renowned restaurants,
and specialty beverages. Also, the
winning design by Clark Condon Associates
from the August 2007 Rice Design
Alliance (RDA) "Bridge the
Park Design Charrette were on display.
The event was chaired by
Lisa Lee, Divya Paralkar and Lauren Summerville.
Among those in attendance were City Council
Members James Rodriguez and Peter Brown,
MPC board members Regina Garcia and Jim
All funds raised at this
event will be allocated toward the pedestrian/cyclist
bridge which will be constructed over
Memorial Drive and connect the north and
south regions of the park: a tangible
aesthetic improvement in Houston infrastructure,
to be enjoyed for generations to come.
It will be a bridge with native landscaping
and will greatly enhance safety for pedestrians
and cyclists.The bridge proposal is part
of the Memorial Park Master Plan, which
was approved by Houston City Council in
2004. Last summer, MPC, RDA, along with
Houston Parks and Recreation Department,
held a charrette contest for a proposed
bridge design. Some elements of the winning
designs may be used for the future bridge.
Once funding is obtained from public and
private sources and the bidding process
is complete, construction is estimated
at two to five years.
Our thanks to our co-chairs
and Memorial Park Conservancy supporters
Lisa Lee, Divya Paralkar and Lauren Summerville
Rodeo Time
Grab your hat
and boots and get ready! Trail riders
converge on Memorial Park on the
weekend of February 29. Contact
Grady, MPC Volunteer Coordinator,
if you are available to help flag
the roadways for the trail riders.
Thank you!
We would like to thank
our generous donors for supporting our
efforts in
community building and
preserving Houston's premier green space.
$5,000-9,999 (info to come)
These gifts have been received
between December 15, 2007 and February
1, 2008. Our gratitude to those who have
contributed since that date.
Thank you for your continuing
support of Memorial Park!